It is officially Spring!!! For our sixth week of Story Hour we made our very own pots out of plastic cups that we decorated and planted beans and peas. We also read a few gardening stories which taught us about growing and eating healthy veggies. We read "Up, Down, and All-Around", "Oliver's Garden", and "The Gulps".

I'm so excited because this year we are attempting to make a library garden and grow our own vegetables right here. On April 25th, we hope to have United Way's Youth Day of Caring break the ground for our small garden patch. We would like to try and grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, chard, and onions. We are also going to try to grow sunflowers, peas, and squash down along the bo

If there is anyone who would like to help with our garden, please let me know! Or if you have any plants, tools, topsoil, etc. that you would like to donate. We will not be using any pesticides or herbicides--everything will be as sustainable as possible. This would be a great opportunity for someone who is not able to have their own garden but would like to. I can't wait!