I needed an excuse to do this program...luckily our theme this summer is "Be Creative". I'm glad it stopped raining because today we read the story "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds and "Draw Me a Star" by Eric Carle out on the grass since it's so beautiful. After our storytime, we ventured down to the back porch to embark upon our messy foot adventure. On the porch, we had a big long sheet of paper, different colored paints, and a kiddie pool of water for rinsing. I'll let the pictures say the rest....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Playing Footsie (paint included)
I needed an excuse to do this program...luckily our theme this summer is "Be Creative". I'm glad it stopped raining because today we read the story "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds and "Draw Me a Star" by Eric Carle out on the grass since it's so beautiful. After our storytime, we ventured down to the back porch to embark upon our messy foot adventure. On the porch, we had a big long sheet of paper, different colored paints, and a kiddie pool of water for rinsing. I'll let the pictures say the rest....
Pottery Workshoppie
A special thanks goes out to Todd and Melissa Tabb for volunteering at the library last week! They are both extremely talented local potters that were willing to bring their potters wheel to the library to give a demonstration. We read a story called "The Pot that Juan Built" and then watched as Todd threw a pot on the wheel and Melissa described what techniques he was using. After they were done, they gave each child a piece of clay to make either a pinch pot (a small hand built cup) or a tile. After the kids were done, we collected their creations and Todd and Melissa took them home to fire in the kiln. What a great program!! I can't wait to see what they look like :) THANKS TODD AND MELISSA!!!
Our Schedule
Week 1: Summer Reading KICK-OFF!!
Friday, June 12th 6pm: Adam Swartz and his puppets will be visiting the library to perform
the puppet show “Billy and the Story Machine”. Don’t miss out!
Week 2: Sculpt it!
Tuesday, June 16th 11am-12pm Ages 3&4
Wednesday, June 17th Community Concert in the Park@7pm: Open Mic Night
Thursday, June 18th 6-7 Clay Workshop: Local Potters, Todd and Melissa Tabb
visit the library, and give a demonstration. Ages 5 - 12.
Week 3: Paint with your Feet!
Tuesday, June 23rd 11am-12pm Ages 3&4
Wednesday, June 24th 11am-12pm Ages 5-7
Thursday, June 25th 1-2pm Ages 8-12
Thursday Evening, June 25th 6-7pm Ages 3-12
Week 4: Break! Have a Great 4th of July
Week 5: Field Trip!
Tuesday, July 7th Stories in the Garden* 11am, All ages
Wednesday, July 8th Field Trip to Children and Youth Day at the State College Arts Fest.
We will be taking a school bus to State College. Space is limited, sign-up at the library!
Pack a lunch. Check for times.
Thursday Evening, July 9th: Kids Movie Night
Week 6: Music!
Tuesday, July 14th 11am-12pm Ages 3&4
Wednesday, July 15th 11am-12pm Ages 5-7
Wednesday Evening, July 15th Community Concert in the Park@7pm: Big Band
Thursday, July 16th 1 -2 Ages 8 - 12
Week 7: Photography!
Tuesday, July 21st Stories in the Garden* 11 am, All ages
Wednesday, July 22nd 11am - 12pm, Photography Workshop
with photographer Sarah Little! Ages 5 - 7
Thursday, July 23rd 1 - 2pm, Photography Workshop, Ages 8 - 12
Week 8: Act it! Cook it!
Tuesday, July 28th Theatre Workshop!! Learn the tricks of the trade--acting tips from the pro’s.
The Popcorn Hat Players will be visiting from Harrisburg.
Sign up at the library, space is limited! Ages 6-12
Wednesday, July 29th Cooking Art Party! This may get messy!
Thursday, July 30th Kids Movie Night
Week 9: Recycled Art!
Tuesday, August 4th 11am-12pm Ages 3&4
Wednesday, August 5th 11am-12pm Ages 5-7
Thursday, August 6th Stories in the Park with Rosie @East Waterford Park,
10-11am, All ages
Thursday, August 6th 1-2pm Ages 8-12
Thursday Evening, August 6th 6-7pm Ages 3-12
Week 10:
Wednesday, August 12th Stories in the Park with Rosie@ McAlisterville Park, 10-11am, All ages
Thursday, August 13th 6pm The return of the GREAT WORM CRAWL-OFF! Bring your fastest worm to race!
Week 11: Summer Reading FINAL PROGRAM PARTY!!
Wednesday, August 19th 11am-2pm All Ages are invited to bring their families and a covered dish or snack. We’ll be having games, food, and entertainment, and drawing our raffle winners!
*Stories in the Garden is a new program at the library. We have started a small community garden where we hope to teach about the importance of growing your own healthy food.
Feel free to bring a blanket and picnic as we sit under a shade tree and read a garden story.
All of the programs provided by the Library are free of charge.
Most of our programs involve a story, activity, and/or craft.
Occasionally we have a special event or workshop where sign-up is necessary to know
how many supplies are needed.
A special thanks goes to the Juniata Cultural Arts Committee for providing financial support for some of our art workshops, performers, and field trips this summer.
Their help made this summer schedule possible.
Also, thanks to all of the volunteers who help with the summer program!
If you would like to help the library, we are always in need of food and art supplies,
among many other things. Please contact us for details.
Don’t forget to check out our Infant/Toddler Read-to-Me Summer Program (ages birth-3)
and our Young Adult Reading Program (ages 12-19).
If you have any questions about our summer events and programs, please contact us at (717) 436- 6378,tessagross@juniatalibrary.org, or www.juniatalibrary.org
Monday, June 22, 2009
ConGRATs! Write and Illustrate Your Own Book WINNERS AND RUNNERS UP!!!
1st: Kierstyn Fogle
Runner up: Jorden Hockenberry
First Grade:
1st: Paige Smith
Runner up: Malin Kint
Second Grade:
1st: Julia Rice and Kenneth Hershey Jr.
Runner up: Carli Walters
Third Grade:
1st: Zachary Fogle
Runner up: Camryn McClure
Fourth Grade:
1st: Allison Beaver and Rachel Dressler
Runner up: Rachel Bargo and Brenna Strawser
Fifth Grade:
1st: Elizabeth Ritzman
Runner up: Ashley Auker
Sixth Grade:
1st: Caroline Lesh
We Kicked-it...KICKED IT GOOD!
Thanks to Adam Swartz for the very entertaining puppet show!!! It was called "Billy and the Story Machine". I'm sorry if anyone missed it! My favorite part was the noise the story machine made...unfortunately I can't reproduce it via text. At the end, Adam gave the library a free puppet! I believe the puppet's name is "Squeaky Carrot". You can come hang out with Squeaky Carrot at the library anytime you're feelin blue.
New Technology...meow.
So we're all kicked-off here at the library and Summer Reading is on it's way! Thanks to everyone with their patience...we're doing things a wee bit different this year. Sorry if I've caused any confusion! One new aspect this year is that we've been technological-if-ied. I wasn't super crazy about the idea at first but I will admit that it makes it easier for people who don't live close to the library. Also, it's a great way for us to keep track of all those statistics about participation that are necessary for us to keep track of. I still have to straighten out a few kinks but I think it's been working alright...or at least I haven't gotten many complaints yet. If anyone has any suggestions or feedback, please let me know!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Summer Reading Kick-off!!
You can register by visiting our website (www.juniatalibrary.org) and clicking on the link, or coming to the library to register and receive your hard copy book log.
We will also be having events all summer long! Our theme this year is BE CREATIVE AT YOUR LIBRARY! I'm pretty sure we know how to do that.
Our Summer Kick-off will be on Friday, June 12th at 6pm--We will be having a puppet show by State College Puppeteer Adam Swartz called "Billy and the Story Machine". Refreshments will be provided. Please come and help us start off the summer with a bang! See you soon!