Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We are currently trying to add a few special programs here at the library. Some of the ideas we have are a Spanish Story Hour, Baby Story Hour/Toddler Time, Movies at the Library, and a Children's/Community Garden. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to accomplish these goals, or would be willing to donate time, money, or supplies, please feel free to contact me at tessagross@juniatalibrary.org. Thanks!

"Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, it is the only time you've got"

Monday, November 24, 2008

Each summer, the library hosts the Summer Reading Program to inspire kids to read over Summer vacation.
This past Summer (2008) our theme was "Catch the Reading Bug". We started off with a visit from Shaver's Creek Environmental Center (www.shaverscreek.org) and then had a summer full of bug-related stories and activities.

Here are some pictures from Summer 2008 (Catch the Reading Bug's Final Program).
At the Final Program, we had games, crafts, food, a scavenger hunt, a water balloon fight AND to top it all off, we ate crickets. Chocolate covered crickets that is. I should have tried one but I wanted to make sure there was enough for everyone else...
Thanks to everyone who helped with the Summer Reading Program!

more pics to come!

See pictures from the Lewistown Sentinel at: http://cu.lewistownsentinel.com/pages/galleries.php?type=you

Goodbye Fall Story Hour, Hello Holidays!

Well, last week was our last Story Hour for Fall. Sigh. For our last Story Hour, I had the opportunity of making all of the children into pizzas! We read "Pete's a Pizza" and covered ourselves in flour, sauce, cheese, and all sorts of good toppings. Then we all baked in the oven and came out piping hot delicious pizzas! Now that's my kind of Story Hour! After we cleaned up our mess, everyone got a free book and disappearing ink pen, and we all went downstairs to make our own personal pizzas and eat some good snacks.

Thanks so much to anyone that donated anything for Story Hour (snacks included) and for bringing your kids to the library. I have such a great time with everyone and always miss you when you're gone.

So, the next event we'll be having at the library is our Holiday Party on Thursday, December 18th at 6:00pm. Hopefully this year the weather will hold up for us, unlike last year when we had to cancel because of snow. Anyone who's coming to the party is welcome to bring a snack.
Unlike Story Hour, there is no age limit for our Holiday Party.

Hope to see you there!