Monday, January 5, 2009

The holidays are what?

"Christmas is over, everything's a chill
Please put a dollar in to help pay the bill"
Those were my grandmother's alternative lyrics to "Christmas is Coming".

Well it's back to work after a nice long holiday break. I got a bird feeder for Christmas (YAY) and a trip to the dentist (boo).

For those of you who came to our Holiday Party, I hope you enjoyed our Grinchy Theater. I had so much fun and possibly gained 10lbs from all of the cookies and snacks. Thanks to everyone who brought food and thanks to the kids who volunteered to play Who's. And thanks to Maggie Hipple for reading our story. I would really love to do more storytime theater if there are any kids who would like to practice their acting skills.

For now though, I'm back to getting ready for Spring Story Hour. We will begin Story Hour on February 3rd and registration is required. You can sign up now by calling the library, stopping by, or emailing me at

Spring Story Hour is a free program for children ages 3-5. It runs for eight weeks and there are four different times throughout the week that you may choose from. The times are Tuesday@11am, Wednesday@ 10am or 11am, and Thursday @ 6pm. At Story Hour, we read stories, and do related activities and crafts. Hope to see everyone in February!!!