Monday, June 22, 2009

New Technology...meow.

So we're all kicked-off here at the library and Summer Reading is on it's way! Thanks to everyone with their patience...we're doing things a wee bit different this year. Sorry if I've caused any confusion! One new aspect this year is that we've been technological-if-ied. I wasn't super crazy about the idea at first but I will admit that it makes it easier for people who don't live close to the library. Also, it's a great way for us to keep track of all those statistics about participation that are necessary for us to keep track of. I still have to straighten out a few kinks but I think it's been working alright...or at least I haven't gotten many complaints yet. If anyone has any suggestions or feedback, please let me know!!!
If you're keeping track of your books the old fashioned way, we still have you set up with an online account. You would have to email so that I could give you your username and password if you wanted to access it. Anywhoo, remember, KEEP READING ALL SUMMER LONG!!! Studies show that children who read over the summer months are better prepared for school in the fall! WOOHOO!

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